Create a new tour

After logging into your Usetiful account, click on the "Add tour" button on the Overview page. In the tour settings, you will be to add general information about your tour.

  • Tour Name - name your tour for its easier identification.
  • Page Targeting- Define conditions for pages where this tour should be visible on. 
    • Tours can be displayed on any page that contains the Usetiful script or on specific pages.
    • You can target certain pages by their URL address, an element on the page, or text content. Learn more in the following article.
  • Autoplay - set whether the first step pops up automatically once the page is loaded.
  • Show every time - decides whether tour will be autoplayed everytime conditions are met, or only once for a given user
  • Remember the last step - set whether the tour remembers the last step. When the tour is closed and reopened, that users can continue where they have finished.
  • Show progress - set whether steps shows a progress bar.
  • Show Usetiful button - set whether the tour can be accessed via the button in the right bottom corner. You can also define the name of the button.
  • Priority - With the "Priority", you can indicate the priority of your checklist and tours. The content with the highest number will be displayed first, followed by the subsequent priority levels in descending order. This way you can display your most important and relevant content to your audience. (Available for Premium and Enterprise users)

When you are done, click on the "Save" button.

The next step is to create the tour content in the visual editor. The editor consists of the list of steps (left panel) and the preview area on the right side. The sample step "Welcome!" is presented at the beginning.

Edit step content

To change the content of a step, click on the text in the preview area, and the text editor will show up. You can change text alignment, adjust font style, colors, upload images and videos, place hyperlinks, or edit the content as HTML code.

Set up how a step behaves

Change the step properties or actions by clicking on the Edit step next to the respective step. This contextual panel will appear:

  • Title - Visible name of the step
  • Type - Step can be either modal dialog, slideout, or pointer (bubble pointing to an element).

Position (specific for type modal)

If the step type is modal, you can set its position on the screen. By default the modal position is 100px top margin in center and its position is not fixed. But you can move with he position by editing border margin.

Using the fixed position keeps the modal stable and visible on the screen, even as you scroll through the page.

Position (specific for type pointer)

If the step type is pointer, the panel will contain the Position section. These properties allow you to specify whether the step appears linked to a specific element (Position against element) or on given coordinates (Position against screen).

  • Element - You can specify what HTML element the bubble points to. You can easily select the element using our browser extension.
  • Highlight - Set whether the element is highlighted by darkening everything except the element and the pointer bubble.
  • Coordinates - Absolute position of the pointer.
  • Orientation - Define whether the pointer appears below, above, left, or right from the element.


Progress on click of (specific for type pointer and slideout)

Progress on click of option specifies how the user moves to the next step.

  • Button - Clicking on the Next button moves the user forward in the tour.
  • Element - Clicking on the given element (defined in the Element field) moves the user to the next step.
  • Anywhere on the screen - Any click on the page moves the tour to the next step.
  • Trigger from one of the next steps - user will progress from this step once a trigger condition from one of the next steps (for example Element appears or User hovers) is met
  • On reply to survey - after the user responses the survey (emoji/NPS) in option Collect feedback, there is no “thank you” message (even though the “thank you” message is set) and the next step of the tour is automatically displayed

For the options "Element" and "Anywhere on the screen" you can specify whether the default action on click is performed (e.g. user clicks on the button that does something on the page).


  • Buttons position - define the alignment of buttons on the Usetiful step (to the left, center, or right)
  • Buttons - define buttons available at the bottom part of the step, change their style, and order.

Advanced settings

  • Trigger -  Define when the step should automatically appear (i.e., after clicking on the given element).
  • Autoskip - If this property is enabled, the step is skipped when the element or trigger element isn't available.

Add more steps

You can add more steps by clicking on the "Add Step" button in the left panel. Usetiful supports 4 step types:

  • Modal - window that overlaps the entire page.
  • Pointer - a tooltip that points to the selected page element.
  • Slideout - similar to the modal dialog, it doesn't overlap the entire page but displays in the bottom left/right corner.
  • Redirect - moves users to another page where the flow may continue.
  • Delay - delays the tour for a defined amount of time.
  • Trigger event - trigger a JavaScript event or utilize it to send data to a webhook.
  • Page action - act on a selected element, such as clicking or filling in a value.
  • Condition - specify a condition for the tour to progress. If the condition is met, the tour continues; otherwise, an alternative option is presented. Conditions include URL contain, URL equal, tag value and element exists.

Workflow of a tour

New tours are by default in a draft state (these tours are not visible to your users), and the system autosaves all changes. If you are editing a published tour, remember to save and publish your changes by clicking on the "Save" button.

If you want to change the general tour information (such as tour name, page targeting), click on the "Settings" button in the top bar.)

Preview the tour on your site

Once you created the first draft of your tour, you can preview it on your site using our browser extension. Follow these instructions.