What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing is a method for comparing two or more versions of content to see which performs better with users. By running a controlled experiment, different groups of users are shown different versions, and their behavior is tracked to determine which version drives better results.

This approach helps marketers make data-driven decisions, optimizing key metrics like conversion rates, engagement, and user experience. A/B testing allows businesses to experiment with changes and use real data to improve their content and strategies effectively.

How to Set Up A/B Testing in Usetiful

  1. In your Usetiful account, navigate to the A/B Experiment section.

  2. Click on Add Experiment.
  3. Give your experiment a name and define the variants along with the distribution percentage for each audience segment.
  4. Select the Install option to retrieve the tag values for the "Champion" and "Challenger" variants.

  5. In your content (e.g., tours targeting), set the tag condition to display the content specifically to users assigned as "Champion" or "Challenger."

  6. Based on the distribution percentages set in the experiment, Usetiful will randomly assign users to either the "Champion" or "Challenger" group.

This ensures that your users are allocated between variants according to the predefined percentages, allowing you to measure the performance of each variant.